Tuesday, February 10, 2015


Find out more about yourself and how you fit into the labour market

I find when discussing job search with people – “What kind of work are you looking for?” they generally respond to the question by listing industries they are familiar with such as retail, food service or helping people. The vagueness of the response is something we reflect back to the client by asking “Well, what skills do you have?” or “Why do you want to do that type of work?”

This questioning focuses their thoughts to build a self-awareness to help with decision making when looking for work. I also include questions surrounding what the people know about those industries and what jobs they have found that match their target industry.

I believe in the efficiency of a self-aware job search that is based on labour market research. However, introducing this idea is not a one-step plan. I gradually introduce each component and explain their value to the overall process.     

Below is a list of all the steps someone can complete to accelerate their job search; a one week challenge to build self-awareness, labour market knowledge and apply it to job search.

Monday – Complete some online self-awareness assessments (questions regarding learning style, skills, and interests.) The results will provide a list of careers you match up with.

Tuesday - Determine all the main skills of the careers highlighted by the assessments to confirm you have the necessary skills for the career.

Wednesday – Based on the previous results, look at the careers listed and research them on labour market information sites: jobbank.gc.ca; tcu.gov.on.ca to build a better understanding of the wages, outlook and details of each career.

Thursday – Review your resume to see if you have included the pertinent skills on the resume that reflect your ability to the job and make sure you list what the employer is looking for from your background.

Friday – Expand your job search based on the results of your self-awareness exercise into areas that you may not have previously considered especially if you match the requirements of that field or job.