Monday, March 3, 2014


As a placement student at VCCS I’d like to tell you about the benefits of hands on experience in the workplace.  I was initially a client at VCCS looking for employment. The services I received motivated me to want to give back and help impact others’ lives. I am now in my final semester of Fleming College’s  Social Service Worker program with the intention to become a counsellor.

In my opinion, workplace experience is extremely beneficial, especially for students or individuals who lack the experience required to break into a field of work that they have no experience in. These benefits include;

     1) Being more qualified than other job seekers.
     2) Having the hands on experience that employers value. The experience I have gained will look great on my resume and make me more confident in my job search.
     3)  Needing less training because of your first-hand experience. For example, I have gotten the opportunity to train on several industry specific software programs.
     4) The opportunity to be hired by your co-op employer.
     5) Great networking and positive work related references.
     6) Developing your own personal professional style.  

There are things that I have learned that cannot be taught in a classroom.  In my program we often practiced using  ‘Enactments’, which are scenarios between a counsellor and client . At VCCS I have had the opportunity to shadow several different counsellors which is a truly educational experience. By doing this, I am able to observe various counsellors’ approaches to certain situations and counselling style.  This has allowed me to observe the solutions I find most helpful and helped me develop my own style to use with future clients.
There are several ways you can go about getting hands on experience;

     1)  A co-op placement.
          2) Offering to complete an unpaid internship.
          3) Volunteering. (VCCS assists clients looking for volunteer opportunities)
          4) Through Job Development Services at VCCS.
          5) By participating in the Youth Employment Fund through VCCS.

Overall, my placement has really opened my eyes so far.  I was successful throughout my classes and my assignments but I hadn’t felt quite as accomplished as I do now from gaining this one-of-a-kind, first-hand experience.