Thursday, February 6, 2014

February and the Student Job Seeker

It’s that time of the year, VCCS has sent out packages to local employers asking them to prepare their student positions.  Employers are " strategizing" number of positions and what positions they will be hiring for, as a student job seeker you can join in that planning.  Now is the time to take on the planning steps that will help you with that student job, whether it is for your first high school job or that job to help you cover your post-secondary education.
Start talking to all of your connections; family members, friends, teachers, coaches, instructors, neighbours and local services or businesses your frequent, this is called delving into the hidden job market and there is a lot to uncover.  These contacts know of businesses that are potentially hiring, by starting to buzz around an interest to work it shows dedication, planning and motivation skills, these things matter to those that are hiring.
Think strategically, what do you enjoy doing and what building blocks are there from a job perspective to develop your career. Figure out the industry pros and cons by working in different positions outside of your regular field. IF you have been in retail, try hospitality or hands on type employment,   this will help you shape your interests and areas of strengths more clearly. 
Get creative and develop your online presence. LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are places potential employers go to check out your image. Get a head start and Google yourself; see if you have any dirt….the digital kind. Get in shape and start seeing yourself as that wonderful professional you are destined to become, whether an aspiring entrepreneur, a professional technician or a creative artist!

There are lots more resources available at VCCS Student Centre. Come in and register; check out any upcoming services, workshops and meet some dynamic counsellors to start you on your journey.