Thursday, December 18, 2014

Maintaining Confidence While Job Searching

Last week I met with a group of job seekers at VCCS. This group was unbelievable to work with. The support and laughter they provided to each other while job searching and the fun atmosphere they contributed to was overwhelming. When asked “as job seekers what do you think other job seekers need to know about” they replied “how to maintain confidence while job searching.”

This didn’t come as a surprise. Confidence is hard to maintain when any change in our life is present. It was however interesting to see that this was still an area of concern with such a talented group of people with strong work backgrounds and experiences. It can be hard to recognize your own talents during a time of frustration. Sometimes it’s easier for someone standing on the sidelines to see what you have to offer. How can a job seeker maintain steady confidence through this period of change?

Maintaining confidence is not always an easy thing to do. Whether you are currently searching for a job or not, confidence ups and downs can be present during any change, quitting smoking, exercising more, eating a healthy and balanced diet etcetera. You are not alone in facing confidence battles.

Your challenge this week is to ask yourself these questions and write down your thoughts/answers:
(If you are a job seeker using VCCS services, relay answers that you feel comfortable in sharing with your counsellor)
What is important to you? List 3 things that are important to you right now.
Success means something different to everyone. What does living a successful life really mean to you?
When you decide that you are making a change what are the feelings and thoughts that maintain your positive outlook for a successful outcome?
What do you think your best friend might say are some of your best qualities? List 5 qualities that your best friend may say about you.
What is one small thing that you could do today to change the way you feel and boost your confidence?

I hope that if you are struggling to increase confidence you really consider the above questions and talk to a counsellor at VCCS Employment Services. Increased confidence can greatly increase the positive results in your job search.

Monday, December 8, 2014


As the holiday season rolls around many of us have our minds on the task of shopping for presents for family and friends. Like shopping for gifts, job hunting can be a pleasant, creative adventurous process or it can be stressful and frustrating.  It all depends on the circumstances.  
I am not an avid shopper, I don’t like the stress of figuring out the perfect gift for someone and then going through the motions to get out there and find it.  It is a lot like finding employment and its hard work.  
In the past, when Christmas shopping,  I often procrastinated and put off  the task.  Eventually I would hit the stores wandering aimlessly trying to discover the latest and greatest product that would serve as the ultimate gift. I ended up running out of time and rushing to the store at the last minute with all of the other panic stricken shoppers, competing for the same items.  This strategy never worked for me.  I would always end up with the wrong fit having paid the highest price for a lesser product or missed out entirely on an opportunity.
What happens when you approach your job search in the same way?   Much like shopping for the perfect gift, a successful Job seeker should avoid pitfalls of job shopping and follow some basic rules for success. 
  1. Know what your job goal is:  Be specific, know the type of job you want and develop your job search plan around the job goal.  Avoid wandering aimlessly like the shopper without a clue about what to buy.
  2. Be Realistic:  Take into consideration the availability of jobs in your area that match your job goal as well as the skills, qualifications and training required.  Similar to gift shopping, If you are shopping for a product that is rare or doesn’t suit your needs, interests or abilities then it is a waste of your effort, time and resources.
  3. Make a list:   A good shopper will put effort into researching, identifying and making a list of all of the places that will provide them with opportunities and options. A job seeker should do the same. A well formulated list will provide the basis of a strategy for contacting employers, submitting resumes and following up with contacts.
  4. Work towards a Deadline:  We know that the gifts need to be under the tree on the morning of Dec. 25th. Set a deadline for getting a job and plan all of the activities you need to do within a timeline that works towards achieving this goal.
  5. Have a Plan B:  If a product is all sold out or the sales have closed then you need to come up with another gift idea.   If you don’t have a job by your deadline, what is your back up plan?  What concessions will you need to make? What does that look like in your job search strategy?

There are those individuals who relish a full day of recreational shopping or plan entire trips hunting for bargains and fantastic finds.  Without the pressure of meeting that deadline and filling that wish list It is a time when one can explore the market, be creative, daring  with the freedom to just walk away if  an item doesn’t suit you.   In the same no pressure circumstance, this is true for the job seeker as well.  Often the best job opportunity is found when one is already employed. If you are currently looking for work I wish you success. Set you job goal,  Make your list, check it twice and enlist some help from VCCS Shop Smart!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Making Killer Cold Calls

Job searching is an exercise in self marketing. In effect a job seeker is selling their skills to a potential employer. Sales people use a variety of tools to market their products. For example, sales people often use cold calling as a way to connect with potential customers. Job seekers can use cold calls to connect with potential employers and see if your skills fit their environment.

Here are some example steps for cold calling:
1.        Make a list of potential employers with phone numbers and contact names (if possible). Having a pre-made list allows the job seeker to continue momentum with their calls, rather than stopping after each call to look up contact information for the next call.
2.        Make your first call to a friend or family member that is in the industry you are interested in. This step serves two functions:
a.        This first call will allow you to explore information about the industry with an individual you already know. This individual might have additional contacts at other companies in the industry, and/or be able to point you in the right direction of important questions to ask about other environments.
b.        Calling an individual you already know decreases the pressure of the first call and better prepares you to talk to others in the industry.
3.        Ask employers, “How often do you hire?” or “What is your hiring cycle?”, rather than “Are you hiring?” The immediate answer to Are you hiring? might be “No.”, without letting you know that there is likely to be work available in about six weeks.
4.        Ask, “Who should I forward my resume to?”, rather than “Are you accepting resumes?” This question serves two purposes:
a.        The answer should be “Send it to me.”, if you have reached the right person.
b.        If you receive another name, it gives you the direct contact name of the individual you should be speaking with.
5.        Keep a log that states the company name, when you called, who you spoke with, and any other additional steps, (i.e. call back Jennifer on the 15th of December).

Start with these strategies to help manage your cold calls and to keep track of what you have done. Why not challenge yourself to call 3 new employers this week! If you need assistance in making cold calls, please drop by VCCS and meet with an Employment Counsellor!

Monday, November 24, 2014

VCCS’s 1 Week Job Search Challenge

VCCS’s 1 Week Job Search Challenge
Whether you’ve been job searching for a while or you are just starting your search, a job search strategy can make a big difference. Consider taking this 1 week job search challenge.
Monday – Research There are bound to be employers out there that don’t have your resume. Find them! Consider using Canada 411 ( to search for a complete list of local companies related to your goal. Then research the companies online. For helping researching employers come in to VCCS and speak to a counsellor.
Tuesday – Update Update your resume and cover letter. Make sure you are ready to customize each for specific jobs and companies. Are these documents doing a good job of marketing you? Also, don’t forget your social media profiles. Whether it’s your resume or your LinkedIn profile, missing and outdated information says “I’m not on top of things”. Consider having a staff member in our Resource Room give your resume a look over.
Wednesday – Apply You’ve researched and prepared your application. Now you are applying with detailed applications that show you are an invested and enthusiastic candidate. Whether it is in person or online, focus on making a good first impression.
Thursday – Network There is a significant amount of companies that hire without posting jobs. How do you find these? Network! Catch up with former classmates, former co-workers, friends or industry contacts. Let them know you are looking for work and ask for leads.
Friday– Reflect Reflect on your week. What do you feel worked? What didn’t? What would you like to do differently next week? To add some new strategies to next week come into VCCS and speak with an employment counsellor. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Christmas Volunteer Opportunity!

Monday, March 3, 2014


As a placement student at VCCS I’d like to tell you about the benefits of hands on experience in the workplace.  I was initially a client at VCCS looking for employment. The services I received motivated me to want to give back and help impact others’ lives. I am now in my final semester of Fleming College’s  Social Service Worker program with the intention to become a counsellor.

In my opinion, workplace experience is extremely beneficial, especially for students or individuals who lack the experience required to break into a field of work that they have no experience in. These benefits include;

     1) Being more qualified than other job seekers.
     2) Having the hands on experience that employers value. The experience I have gained will look great on my resume and make me more confident in my job search.
     3)  Needing less training because of your first-hand experience. For example, I have gotten the opportunity to train on several industry specific software programs.
     4) The opportunity to be hired by your co-op employer.
     5) Great networking and positive work related references.
     6) Developing your own personal professional style.  

There are things that I have learned that cannot be taught in a classroom.  In my program we often practiced using  ‘Enactments’, which are scenarios between a counsellor and client . At VCCS I have had the opportunity to shadow several different counsellors which is a truly educational experience. By doing this, I am able to observe various counsellors’ approaches to certain situations and counselling style.  This has allowed me to observe the solutions I find most helpful and helped me develop my own style to use with future clients.
There are several ways you can go about getting hands on experience;

     1)  A co-op placement.
          2) Offering to complete an unpaid internship.
          3) Volunteering. (VCCS assists clients looking for volunteer opportunities)
          4) Through Job Development Services at VCCS.
          5) By participating in the Youth Employment Fund through VCCS.

Overall, my placement has really opened my eyes so far.  I was successful throughout my classes and my assignments but I hadn’t felt quite as accomplished as I do now from gaining this one-of-a-kind, first-hand experience.  

Thursday, February 6, 2014

February and the Student Job Seeker

It’s that time of the year, VCCS has sent out packages to local employers asking them to prepare their student positions.  Employers are " strategizing" number of positions and what positions they will be hiring for, as a student job seeker you can join in that planning.  Now is the time to take on the planning steps that will help you with that student job, whether it is for your first high school job or that job to help you cover your post-secondary education.
Start talking to all of your connections; family members, friends, teachers, coaches, instructors, neighbours and local services or businesses your frequent, this is called delving into the hidden job market and there is a lot to uncover.  These contacts know of businesses that are potentially hiring, by starting to buzz around an interest to work it shows dedication, planning and motivation skills, these things matter to those that are hiring.
Think strategically, what do you enjoy doing and what building blocks are there from a job perspective to develop your career. Figure out the industry pros and cons by working in different positions outside of your regular field. IF you have been in retail, try hospitality or hands on type employment,   this will help you shape your interests and areas of strengths more clearly. 
Get creative and develop your online presence. LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are places potential employers go to check out your image. Get a head start and Google yourself; see if you have any dirt….the digital kind. Get in shape and start seeing yourself as that wonderful professional you are destined to become, whether an aspiring entrepreneur, a professional technician or a creative artist!

There are lots more resources available at VCCS Student Centre. Come in and register; check out any upcoming services, workshops and meet some dynamic counsellors to start you on your journey.