What I find really interesting about meeting many different job seekers is learning about how different people organize their job search! Some job seekers don’t organize at all which can create confusion and this can be easily transparent to an employer! It is really important to write down what jobs you applied for, the contact of the employer and if there was a job advertisement print it off because if it was found online, it won't always be readily available.
One client in specific came to a first appointment with me this week highly organized and this helps in accessing employers faster, which typically leads to finding a job faster! She came with a book outlining 5 pages of employers in her field that she was interested in contacting. Not all of these employers were necessarily hiring but this list was a good standpoint for us to cold call to ask if they would be hiring in the near future. In one day over 15 calls were made to these local employers. Out of these 15 calls we had 4 interested employers for her to meet with! If it wasn’t for the client being prepared with this list of employers we would still be researching employers to contact. This made the workload very time efficient and organized!
What I would suggest next is a tip that comes from another client. This client is exceptionally good at organizing advertised work. He comes to each appointment with a USB that has a worksheet of all the places he has applied for, the job titles and how the application was sent. In individual folders on the USB he has a copy of the job advertisement, a copy of the cover letter sent, a copy of the resume sent and sometimes even a copy of the e-mail sent and any further online correspondence. Now I understand that this can be too computer heavy for some individuals and if so, I would adopt the same method but print a copy of the job you applied for, and make copies of the resumes and cover letters sent and put them in a folder. A VCCS we have our clients fill out a job lead log to help track what you apply for and these are available in our resources room!
I would highly suggest adopting the first method of organizing the non-advertised jobs you apply to and adopt the second method of organizing the advertised jobs you apply to. Remember, these organizational skills are easily assessed by employers and the more organized you are now, the less stressful your job search will be!
If you have any questions or would like help in learning more about organizing your job search visit VCCS today!