Monday, January 7, 2013

Getting your 2013 job search going with a BANG!
It’s a new year, forget about any frustration you were feeling leading up to the holiday season and jumpstart your 2013 job search by asking yourself these questions;

1.      Are all your documents updated?
Go through your job search materials and make sure they are up to date. You may even want to consider a change in presentation or format to renew/refresh things. Take a good look at your cover letter, resume, online profile and/or professional portfolio. Remember that these are documents that SELL you to employers! Consider registering for our upcoming Resume Workshop January 24th, 2013.

2.      Analyze your job search strategy?
Take a detailed look at what your strategy so far has been. Do you feel like you are using job search strategies that are helping you move towards your goals? What has been successful? What hasn’t?  Come into VCCS and speak to a counsellor about what else you could be doing. Also, consider registering for our Find Work Now Workshop January 15th, 2013 which covers current job opportunities in our area and maybe some new strategies that you haven’t tried in your search!

3.      Are you networking?
Networking is one of the most successful job search strategies. A new year is a great time to catch up with old contacts. Drop them a line asking how they are and letting them know what type of opportunity you are looking for. Also, remember how important it is to make new networking connections. Jump-start your 2013 job search but attending networking events, employer presentations or community meetings. Check out local agencies and volunteer opportunities by visiting

Call (705) 328-0180 to register for workshops. Or email for more information.