Thursday, August 25, 2011

Descriptive Verbs

Sometimes when composing resumes and covering letters we get 'word locked' and can't think of a proper word to use. We are hoping these descriptions of verbs will help you.

Friday, August 19, 2011

10 Twitter accounts to follow for job searching in Kawartha Lakes

1) @WorkCabin Founder,, Canada’s Environmental Jobs Site | I’m a boots-on-the-ground conservationist. The forest is my second home (really, I’m not kidding)
This is an excellent site for anyone looking for environmental, conservation, and outdoor jobs anywhere in Canada. Ontario is expanding rapidly in the eco-jobs industries. New jobs are posted daily as soon as Work Cabin receives them.

2) @advantageKL Come for a visit and learn about the advantages of operating a business while living in Kawartha Lakes! We’re here to help.
These folks are at the forefront of bringing businesses to the City of Kawartha Lakes. Follow them for news of coming businesses and you’ll get a heads-up on where the jobs will be.

3) tweet career advice, job-seeking tips, and more – voiced by Monster’s senior editor, Charles Purdy.
Although jobs aren’t posted here like they are on and, there are great job search tips posted daily. This site is American.

4) @OnlineResumeHelping Job Seekers overcome the obstacles in resume writing and job seeking online
Again, no postings, but more great job search tips. Some tips are presented with humour. This site is American.

5) @WorkforceDBThe Workforce Development Board is a community based independent not-for-profit corporation funded by MTCU, Industry and other funding sources.
This is a great local resource for employment information, as well as job postings via our CERP job board for the City of Kawartha Lakes, Peterborough and Cobourg areas.

6) @MunicipalJobsCanada’s premier Municipal Job Board, hosted by Municipal World, now tweeting job postings from across Canada #jobs Also follow our Editor @MWEditor
Jobs are posted almost daily, but are from across Canada. This is a great resource for those with a university education, who don’t mind relocating.

7) @kawarthajobsOnly jobs in the City of the Kawartha Lakes will be posted here
These jobs are all local, posted daily, and sourced from Kijiji. If you are going to check out these jobs, please do a little homework and be careful.

8) @ptbojobsDaily job postings for Peterborough, ON. Kyle Richtig, certified Job Search Coach and Résumé Writing Coach, currently works for Northern Lights Canada.
Daily postings of jobs in Peterborough, including Kijiji postings (again, do the research and be careful with Kijiji postings).

9) @vccsemploymentYour one-stop employment service in the City of Kawartha Lakes!
Our official Twitter. Updated as often as possible with what’s happening at VCCS.

10) @SaraW_VCCSVCCS Employment Services: We are your employment experts in the City of Kawartha Lakes. Follow @vccsemployment Find us on Facebook.
News and job information gathered daily from our community and presented for your reference, including job postings and employment-related events.

Bonus tip: Be sure to check out who these accounts are following for more great resources.

Do you have a great Twitter resource to add to this list? Mention them in the comments.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tom Phillips on the Peterborough Area Employment Situation

Peterborough based economist Tom Phillips has written a very thoughtful and informative article on the Peterborough Employment situation. As a job seeker in the City of Kawartha Lakes and surrounding area, the suggestions Tom puts forth are of great interest.

Keep an eye on the main ptbocanada blog at for more articles regarding issues and topics in the Peterborough area.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

We are Linked!

As your One-Stop employment service in the City of Kawartha Lakes, we have made it easier to access our web content by linking our twitter(@vccsemployment), facebook & blog sites all in one! Keep watching for more web based fun!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Boost your career options

A survey carried out by TimeBank through Reed Executive showed that among 200 of the UK’s leading businesses

  • 73% of employers would recruit a candidate with volunteering experience over one without
  • 94% of employers believe that volunteering can add to skills
  • 94% of employees who volunteered to learn new skills had benefited either by getting their first job, improving their salary, or being promoted

Also, if you are thinking of a career change then volunteering is a perfect way to explore new fields. If you have a passion for the arts but have career in computing then why not volunteer at your local theatre? Or if your ambitions are to be a doctor why not find out about volunteer opportunities at your local hospital – the ideal way to expand your work portfolio in your field and to gain a real insight into your chosen path.

Taken from: World Volunteer Web

Volunteering and employment-related benefits

Generally, the same groups that are most likely to volunteer to improve their job prospects are also more likely to say that volunteering increased their skills and improved their job prospects. For example, volunteers aged 15 to 24 were more likely than older volunteers to report gaining increased communication skills (82%) and interpersonal skills (77%) from their volunteer activities. However, those aged 55 to 64 were more likely than other volunteers to report gaining knowledge from their volunteer activities. Unemployed volunteers were more likely than other volunteers to report gaining communication skills. Three quarters (75%) of unemployed volunteers reported gaining communication skills, compared to 68% of employed volunteers and 66% of volunteers who were not in the labour force. Similar, but less pronounced, patterns were seen with other skills. Just under half (49%) of employed volunteers aged 15 to 24 said their volunteer activities gave them new skills that they could apply directly to their job. Additionally, almost one quarter (24%) of volunteers aged 15 to 24 said that their volunteer activities had helped them in the past to obtain employment.

Perhaps the most compelling finding regarding the effectiveness of volunteer activity in helping people to obtain employment is that 28% of unemployed volunteers (and 16% of employed volunteers) said that their volunteering had helped them obtain a job in the past and 62% of unemployed volunteers believed that it would help them to find a job in the future.

The Benefits of Volunteering, from the 2000

National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating

(NSGVP), Canada

For Volunteer Positions in City of Kawartha Lakes, Haliburton and surrounding areas, visit: click here

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Benefits for Employers of Using an Employment Agency

A non-profit employment agency can be a valuable resource for employers. If you are a business looking to hire such a service can assist in the following ways:

Determine the needs of the business
An experienced job developer will come to your work place and discuss the opportunities within your work place; the duties and tasks of the position, the skills you require to complete the tasks and duties, your organizational culture and the nuances of your business.

Create a job description
In the event that a formal job description does not exist; a job developer can develop one with the employer using a variety of resources. Labour market information is available to assist with finding suitable wages within our region to offer competitive wages.

Assist with finding suitable candidates
Through internal review of candidate’s working within the agency, the job developer can pre-screen job ready clients and discuss their attributes with the employer. External posting of the position allows the employer to access a public virtual and physical job board.

Building Relationships
As services are provided a lasting relationship develops between the employer and the job developer. Business solutions are available for the employer to access on a regular basis. Opportunities to discuss business activities come in the form of presentation or one on one business meetings.

For further information on how VCCS can assist you as an employer, please contact us at your convenience.

Resources for Employers: