How to Facebook your way into a job
How often do you update your Facebook status? Or Tweet your latest revelation about your industry? How savvy are your social media skills? I ask because these skills are becoming increasingly useful for finding and landing jobs.
Social media job searching is no joke. It’s happening and there are plenty of success stories to prove it.
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs, are all tools that companies, recruiters, and job seekers are using to find jobs, post jobs, and seek out potential candidates. Sure some of the opportunities that arise out of social media are serendipitous, like the bloggers that have landed book or movie deals, but it happens.
Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are networking tools. They are designed to connect you with friends, family, and employers.
It is important to note that as a job seeker, you need to exercise caution when using these tools as recreational methods of keeping in touch with friends and relatives... It is also possible to Facebook yourself right out of a job!
How many times have to you caught yourself procrastinating on Facebook?
You know what I’m talking about right?
Looking at pictures (sometimes of people you don’t know), reading status updates, finding out who’s doing what and when.
It’s addictive.
Despite the voyeur attraction of Facebook, it’s also proven to be a valuable job search too. Job searchers post status updates about the type of work they’re looking for; Employers post hiring updates.
There is more to this nosey social media tool than catching up with old friends, or looking at strangers.
But, there are boundaries and discretion is advised if you’re going to create an account, or use this application on a regular basis.
While employers may post they’re looking to hire, beware they can just as easily use Facebook to investigate and judge you based on your profile.