New plant to create 60 jobs

By Lisa Gervais, Lindsay Post
A wood pellet plant near Kirkfield will create about 60 new jobs when it opens later this Spring.
Woodville Pellet Corporation is a private enterprise that includes the backing of prominent Bobcaygeon businessman Charlie Pitcher.
The plan is to initially produce 60,000 tons of wood pellets, using wood waste material, for heating to the Ontario market. Woodville Pallet Corporation vice-president sales and marketing, Bruce Nagy, shared details with The Lindsay Post this week.
Nagy said the company hopes to create more than 60 new jobs in the first year of operation and up to 80-plus jobs by year three when output is expected to double. The jobs are in the plant and in transportation. "It's all new jobs although a handful of people have been on the payroll for a few months," Nagy said.
He added the total did not include temporary construction jobs. The company's request for a rezoning application - to build a new 2,323 sq.m. material storage building and eventually a 524 sq. m. extension to the east side of an existing warehouse building - comes before council on March 23.
Nagy is hopeful the company can start advertising positions in six weeks' time, hire 20 people "right off the bat" and hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony as early as May. In the meantime, the private investors are chasing government money in the hopes of a partnership.
"I think it's obvious that the various governments are very interested in getting involved in new economy businesses and this is very much a new economy business," Nagy said. He said the slowdown in the building industry in the USA has had a direct effect on lumber mills in Ontario, Quebec and BC.
He said governments are looking for alternatives and a wood pellet plant in BC is being jointly funded by the private sector, economic stimulus money and a bank. Nagy said he is very excited about the Kirkfield area plant but is also exercising cautious optimism "because the schedule keeps getting pushed back."However, he thinks that is about to change.
"Three months from now I think we will have pellets coming out of the plant."