Farmers from all over central Ontario will converge to the Farmers' Mutual Exhibition Building at the Lindsay Fairgrounds next week. The 30th annual East Central Farm Show, presented by the East Central Soil and Crop Improvement Association, will take place Wednesday, March 3 from 11 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. and Thursday, March 4 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Show manager Don Oliver told The Lindsay Post there would be 146 exhibitors at the show this year. He said 2,500 people attended the show in 2009, a number he would like to see grow. The East Central region covers the City of Kawartha Lakes, Peterborough, Haliburton County, York Region and Durham Region. The show will feature a wide variety of displays including farm machinery, credit unions, feed dealers, insurance companies and seed dealers amongst others. Admission is $5, or free for those with a 2010 Soil and Crop memberships.
Soil and Crop memberships can be purchased for $15. Oliver said benefits of having a membership include entrance into other farm shows, four newsletters and access to bus tours and demonstrations across the province at no charge. The East Central Farm Show began in 1981 at the Manvers Community Centre then moved to the Fenelon Hall in Cambray in 1983 before moving to the Morrow Building Peterborough in 1992. The last three shows have taken place in Lindsay. Oliver said the move has allowed for more exhibitors and made it easier for people from York and Durham to attend the show.
He said he believes they have a good buzz surrounding the inshow.
"Everyone is looking for optimism for farming and agriculture in general," Oliver said.